This is not very harmful, but remember that only the characters in the first page will be displayed correctly when using this font. Note that if you choose a too important height for your letters, you’ill get multiple Font Texture Pages. Your font texture should now look like the default RobotoDistanceField, with its blurry gray edges. Note that you’ll have to reimport like that each time you want to change a font setting, such as characters Height, or weight (if you want to use bold or italic for example) When everything is done, reimport your font by clicking on Asset>Reimport MyNewFont.

The default value 1.0 is a rather good compromise but you can tweak it if needed.ĥ4350-distancefieldalphacomparison.jpg 3018×555 266 KB The value must be comprised between 0 and 4 and impact on the characters edges sharpness : near 0, edges will be very sharp but also wavy like if Distance Field Alpha were unchecked when you tend to 4, the edges become totally blurry and the letters get really thin. Set Distance Field Scan Radius Scale if you want.Set Distance Field Scale Factor if you need : the higher the scale factor the better, but for an unknown reason, my editor systematically freezes when I leave the default value 16 or choose higher… but if I choose a value from 9 to 15, it works fine and the value 16 is then displayed… so I have to change the default value.If you don’t, characters edge will be all “pixelated-wavy” and the result will be totally aweful.